Monday, March 2, 2009

Pembatasan Direct Ref di neobux

Sebenarnya aku sudah berpikir, lambat laun pasti neo akan membatasi ref directnya, mengingat banyak cheater yang berkeliaran di dunia per ptc an, dan akhirnya pada tanggal 28 Feb 2009, neobux membatasi ref direct untuk member standard hanya 30 saja. Berikut data lengkapnya yang saya ambil dari neobux forum.

First of all, thank you for all that understood the decision on limiting the direct referrals.
Also, I would like to thank all of your opinions as they contributed to a major revision of that rule.

These are the limits or direct referrals based on membership/pack:

* Standard: 30
* Pioneer: 60
* Golden: 200
* Golden+Pioneer: 250
* Golden/Emerald: 300
* Golden/Sapphire: 300
* Golden/Platinum: 400
* Golden/Diamond: 400
* Golden/Ultimate: 800

As you can see, the limits are the same but, something better has been planed.

Two limiting rules will be added today:
1) Minimum eligibility for having direct referrals
All members, after registering will need to have the following to be able to get direct referrals:

* 100 clicks made
* Been registered for at least 30 days
( ini pasti untuk membatasi pergerakan cheater dalam membuat akun )

This will limit many cheating attempts (although many go Golden and start cheating afterwards).
It will also contribute to a more stable clicking habit.
After these rules are met, the limit above takes place.

2) Limit increase based on registered days
Depending on how many days you've been registered, all those days, after the 30 defined in point 1 until the present day, will count towards a limit increase.
This means that the older member you are, the more referrals you may have.
The amount will be based on your current membership/pack and the days you're registered (minus 30). This amount will vary and is explained below:

* Standard/Pioneer = Days divided by 4
* Golden (without a pack) = Days divided by 2
* Golden (with a pack) = Days

For example, and referring to older members (with 300 days in this example):

* Standard= 30 + (300/4) = 105
* Golden = 200 + (300/2) = 350
* Golden (Ultimate) = 800 + 300 = 1100

( toleransi dari neo, kalau di ptc lain kan udah fix, nah disini kita bisa meningkatkan jumlah direct ref sesuai ketentuan dari neobux )
As you can see, this is a major boost towards the fixed limit and goes according to most requests.

So, in short, a member has to be a month old and have a good clicking activity to be able to have direct referrals.
The older the member is, the more direct referrals he/she can have.

This changes are already effective.
You can now select the direct referrals you want to remove. Use it wisely.

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